Elder Gerrit W. Gong: Hosanna and Hallelujah The Living Christ: The Heart of Restoration and

Publish date: 2024-03-13

Notable quotes:

“In hosanna and hallelujah we recognize the living Jesus Christ as the heart of Easter and latter-day Restoration.” “In celebrating the ongoing Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we also prepare for Easter. In both, we rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ.” “Today we celebrate Restoration and resurrection. With you, I rejoice in the ongoing Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Summary points:

Talk summary:

Anniversaries, such as the bicentennial of the First Vision and Easter, highlight patterns of restoration. “In both, we rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ. He lives — not only then, but now; not just for some, but for all.”

The sacred events between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are the story of hosanna — a plea for God to save — and hallelujah — praise to the Lord for the hope of salvation and exaltation. “In hosanna and hallelujah we recognize the living Jesus Christ as the heart of Easter and latter-day Restoration.”

On Easter Sunday, April 3, 1836, the Savior appeared when the Kirtland Temple was dedicated. Following His appearance, Moses, Elias and Elijah also came to restore priesthood keys and authority. Not by coincidence, when Elijah appeared to bring sealing authority to bind families on earth and in heaven, it coincided with the Jewish Passover season, “which tradition reverently anticipates Elijah’s return.”

Passover signifies the power and resurrection of Christ through a remembrance of the deliverance of the Children of Israel when they marked their houses with the symbolic blood of the lamb and the angel of death passed over them.

The Book of Mormon also describes the power of Christ through two restorations: a physical restoration, or a resurrection, and a spiritual restoration through the Lord’s Atonement.

“Because ‘God himself atoneth for the sins of the world’ (Alma 42:15), the Lord’s Atonement can make whole not only what was, but what can be.”

As begun 200 years ago, light and revelation continue to come forth through the Lord’s living prophet, His Church called in His name, personal revelation and inspiration from the Holy Ghost.

“Today we celebrate Restoration and resurrection. With you, I rejoice in the ongoing Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

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— Gerrit W. Gong (@GerritWGong) November 15, 2019
